Adding CAT functionality to a Baofeng with the Universal Radio Controller

The Universal Radio Controller is fairly unique in that it can do TX/TX/PTT and programming for a Baofeng (and other two-pin radios) without needing to unplug any wires.

The Baofeng radios traditionally lacked any type of Computer Aided Transceiver (CAT) capability, but the Universal Controller can drive the programming capability of the radio at the same time that it is receiving. This means we can control the TX/RX frequencies of both VFOs dynamically.

The video below shows how in real-time, we can change the frequency of a Baofeng radio programatically and load the new VFO settings loading in about 4 seconds.

This feature would be especially useful for any type of remote operation or if perhaps you wanted to schedule the radio to be on certain frequencies depending on a time schedule.

This new and exciting capability for the Baofeng family of radios is powered by software from the open-source genius Serge Vakulenko. As a joint collaborative effort between me and Serge (mostly Serge) we have taken the techniques from his classic Baofeng cloning project ‘baoclone’ and added features to manipulate the VFO settings in the radio – possibly a world first!

Baoclone and other useful utilities are available from Serge’s page on GitHub

If you are using the Universal Radio Controller V1 or later (or the standard AIOC) then why not give this a try?

Boaclone is available here: and there’s a downloadable .exe for windows (I advise downloading in the GIT Zip file or windows wont let you run it).

Let me know how you get on in the comments.



